Who is behind this blog?

Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa (pen name: Tom Mukasa), currently lives in San Francisco, CA. There he is attached to the UCSF HIV division's Community Advisory Board as a volunteer reviewer.

He has worked for over 15 years with the marginalized and people living with HIV/Aids/TB in Africa. He also spent most of his time training and following up 152 groups he helped organize into what he termed the 'anti-poverty' class. The 'anti-poverty' class is that class a step or two shy of middle-class. Three greatest moments he recalls were a child headed family able to successfully pay for the land and house their late parents had left behind. They were to be evicted but it did not happen. The children went on to complete high school. The second moment was of a mother living with HIV establishing a chicken poultry farm 8 miles outside of Kampala, Uganda. She saw all her four children complete university. The third was of a woman in her late 20's who having established a mushroom growing business paid school dues up to university. She attended the International AIDS Conference in Washington, July 2012. He uses critical thinking tools to promote dialogue, understanding and skills to eradicate poverty on the African continent. He is experienced in conceiving, designing and growing the tools, products and services.

He has worked in 15 African countries. He is currently engaged in researching on poverty-elimination on the continent of Africa. He has authored critical papers along that aspect and they are the bulk of this hub. He has over 8 years of designing, monitoring and managing action on poverty in Africa. He has designed a tool to be used as a review template for providing information on what will work for Africa as it engages in eradicating poverty from the continent. His dream is to be a clinical immunologist, a business person, motivational speaker and academician.


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