Taita Falcon above the Zambezi, by Tom Mukasa

Taita Falcon above the Zambezi

A taita falcon,
driven by hunger,
or the scenic beauty,
from its hidden perch,
spreads its expansive wings,
it scans the numerous landmarks,
the smoking thundering waterfalls,
in their fives, in their tens,
whose puffs turn from snow white,
to rainbow and leafy green,
an awesomeness,
distracts it from prey-hunting,
she cannot keep this to herself,
weighed down with heaviness,
the herald had to be shared,
down to our meeting she came,
but being cantankerous and  haughty,
much like an attention seeking turkey,
many a fragile limbs and tails,
were stepped on,
in telling this intelligent story of awe,
pride and vanity masked,
the beautiful scenic narratives,
that were it not for toe-stepping,
our reactions would not be biased,
negatively and ire-filled,
for the tale of the waterfalls,
in their fives, in their tens,
thick puffs of smoke,
with thunderous rebounds,
is one we loved to listen to,
the teller had a good message,
the chameleon in desperation,
for limb and tail were now sore,
warned the falcon thus:
however haughty,
the skies,
the meal and bounty,
are set on earth.


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