Push the Car brother! a poem by Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa

Push The Car Brother!

A Cesar Chavez look-a-like, breaking a sweat,
he is pushing a battery-dead car, with a pant,
it stalled as it negotiated a steepness,
the co-driver is an aged man with a wrinkled full moon face,

Hey brother, come give a push, he yells,
Por favor, the battery is dead, he calls,
come, come, come, hurry, hurry,
he direly begs me as he gestures in a flurry,
 I reach for the engine hood and get a grip.

I push the car with his help, something amiss,
I ask him to get in the car, behind the wheel,
get in the car, get in the car, you need to crank it,
I continue telling him, he fears abandonment,
you brave man? He asks incredulously.

Yes, I assure him and thus we got the engine running,
thank you brother, thank you brother,
de nada I replied as they sped off, 
I got back to my side of the street,
I mused at the wonderful ways our lives meet.


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