Things that matter, by Tom Mukasa

 Things that matter

Set your mind,
mostly on things that matter,
the lessons are around you,
begin with purpose,
learn from the pebbles of sand
the large blue waters,
and how they make it to the shores,
not content to remain gathered,
they seek out the pebbles,
rubbing and smoothing them,
this has been and shall be,
walk along the shores,
leave your foot prints there,
just the next day,
you will find nothing,
until you make newer ones,
it brings us to resolve,
a strength that binds,
make the decision and commit,
leave the rest to Divine design,
hesitation can be forgiven,
destiny has a force of its own
Peter remarked;
"God forbid it, Lord!"
rebuking and exhorting,
he was the burden and block,
this spoiler bloke,
nevertheless he became the Rock
on which a Church stands steadfast.


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