Bones, by Tom Mukasa


Dressed in sinew and muscle,
covered in warmth and protection,
I dance, stretch and leap high,
in joy and unbridled happiness,
one day am destined for another dress,
before that time happens,
I twist and turn in acrobatic feats,
slither, coil and wriggle as much,
or just hold the earth in firmness,
sometimes stump my feet,
so powerfully,
echoes reach the inner core,
some day this solid firmness will be my dress,
before that time happens,
I push a previously set rock out of place,
I leveled mountains,
filled the valleys with water and fish,
I threw a shot-put from west to east,
run from a point north to one south,
until I came to my destination,
the soil became my cover and protection,
there interned,
to be tread and stumped upon.


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