Serenity, order of things. By Tom Mukasa

Serenity, order of things

I wanted to ask him about life,
he was walking briskly with a handsome dog,
a snow-white husky,
which having been neutered,
on an evening when others walk their dogs,
 was the epitome of pacification,
a shaggy, companionable tame canine,
I could not ask him,
between us,
 was this large dog,
I tentatively gave my compliments,
you know the necessary words one says,
I wanted to ask about something,
the companionship and connection he had,
with this obviously pampered dog,
must have taken hours of training,
not to mention patience and mindfulness,
I am sure along the way, there has been,
second, third, fourth, nth chances,
a dog that knows its name,
must at times tease its owner,
playing hard or reluctantly heeding a call,
and so my question I was never able to ask,
was whether he had time to show similar inclination,
to another human who may be at fault with him,
or may be faulted through inaction or action,
I was sure if a dog can be that clean,
and it has its place at the table,
as well as a room in the mansion,
then his human friends are lucky,
for if he can treat a dog in the right way,
he must be treating fellow humans humanely,
and I mean all humans.


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