Loose Nut, by Tom Mukasa

Loose Nut

To eat your cake,
and have it too,
you can,
you cannot,
your sleek car,
set in drive,
but the hands,
as well as the mind,
still by the phone,
the phone driving the car,
as nature may have it,
a driver behind the wheel,
whose mind is on the phone,
and the hands as well,
pressing this or that key,
and not minding the car,
is nothing but,
a nut,
behind the wheel,
for the phone,
all it does,
is loosen you,
then you,
the loose nut,
behind the wheel,
cause all sorts,
of nuisance,
no wonder,
in the great,
giving country,
you are,
shown the finger,
or hand,
and such,
a notice,
that reads;
"screw you."


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