Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa on the Littany of Concerns!

Littany of Concerns!

The solid safety of the wharf,
the beckoning temptations to forge on,
the dissipating firmness of the ocean waves,
the quarrelsome parring of lightning,
the tossing and turning of winds,
the tempting ingredients of life,
the openness that precedes determination,
the exacting demands of effort,
the incongruity of chaos,
meat on one side and poison the other,
the regular swings of struggle,
the realization that success finds one waiting,
the dismaying crush of fatigue,
the overwhelming burst of victory,
the sudden surge of drive,
the beckoning of opportunities,
the power and force of haste,
the accompanying regrettable waste,
the rewards of persistence,
the capricious nature of fate,
the compact simplicity of accomplishment,
the dissonance of cacophony,
the regular rhythm of far away beats,
the whispers of caution,
the finality of change,
the sincerity of death.


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