Shock of Hair! A poem by Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa

Shock of Hair!

Needle thin strands flow over shoulders,
they are as many as grass in a field,
this is putting it mildly,
they are also like waterfalls,
frozen deliberately for display,
the hair parts somewhere mid-scalp,
shoulder-length,halo, mane, or waist-length,
every shake of the head sends ripples,
whose movements set the hair in place,
or displace it from sides into the face,
each line of hair stands out daringly,
only to disappear somewhere in this shock,
the wearer seems unaware,
the looker mesmerized,
I saw one with groomed hazel hair,
wistfully touching that of the blonde,
the blonde, kept making furtive looks at the brunette,
there were those with in-between hair,
these ones had all the eyes on them,
they in turn wondered how to groom an Afro;
indeed it was a hair shock, this shock of hair!


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