Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa shares a poem titled: That part of San Francisco so dear to me.

That part of San Francisco so dear to me!

 The city is so busy, so inviting and part noisy,

It is like any American City,

The precinta park fills with parents and children,

The children eager to play,

The parents showing their children how,

or showing off to other parents,

The children play on swings so,

the whoosh sound from the hi and lo,

the happy cries and cheers from parents,

the children argued on move relentlessly.

The traffic lights go on and off,

The busy Ceasar Chavez is a shared space,

traffic and pedestrian alike in matching pace,

my feet rapidly beat the crossing,

an impatient engine revving,

well you will have to wait your turn,

as the traffic zoomed, revved and moved,

It did not escape me for I have room here.

The cooing pigeon on the roof,

finds purpose in a road side collected water pool,

soon many pigeons with frayed wet wings appear,

next is the rescue row and love street,

the dogs are apportioned their care here,

a tennis ball is a play thing for this shaggy canine,

In San Francisco a dog, a pigeon has room,

am sure if they have so do I.


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