The Dispensing Machines, by Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa

Dispensing Machines!

Beverages and bites beckon invitingly,
the displays bespeak of abundance,
brands from different food companies,
a button for caffe mocha or snacks,
so is there one for all sorts of soft drinks,
the hum from hidden mortars and fans;
self-timed to cool or warm depending,
all this fuzz to keep the edibles at a right temperature,
as well as maintain freshness,
the machines are regularly re-stocked,
as fast as their products are depleted,
the machines keep the lounge dole-less,
for those with a liking to bite into something,
there is no disappointing,
the dispensing machines in our lounge,
without them it would be dull,
after so much reading none is spared to indulge,
as long as there is green cheese lining the pocket,
one is assured of noodles with shrimp or just plain munchies.


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