Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa on cats and dogs bitching. Enjoy!

Bitching Cats and Dogs!

I am wary of you, says the cat.
You just had a tete-a-tete with that dog,
you even hold her next to you,
not letting go,
I watch your every moves,
you and that dog are so close.

What are you two talking about?
always talking in whispers,
he on your lap and you grooming him,
you even let him roam wherever he likes,
something you deny me,
how cruel you can be.

Beautiful kernel they lock you in,
behind locked bars you seem tame,
but that is not enough still,
when you are out you are on a chain,
I fancy being led about on a leash,
so annoying and uninteresting.

That chain is not pain,
it is an assurance of companionship,
you may sit on master's lap,
but you do not get to visit all those parks,
I fancy restrained curfewed adventure,
to confined pampered house arrest.


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