
Of one limb raised to smack,
the other to block,
when the blow lands,
with fury and recklessness,
angered because the debased,
is not complaining,
stretching the limits,
of the hitman's
and moral capacity,
in the process, 
bone and joint are struck,
the beatings,
one, two, three....,
 keep coming,
the souls are debating,
one is a diamond,
that without,
exposure to,
the black velvet,
loses all shine,
one loses its moral decorum,
the other is torn,
but not indignant,
and not blaming,
the striker for,
this controversy,
hopeless and defiled,
a preacher standing by,
absolves the cruelty,
a politician prescribes protection,
not of the torn,
but that of the tormentor,
a containment language,
is coined,
to get so much profit,
out of the defiled,
and reward success,
in the business of,


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