Thomas Rogers Muyunga Mukasa on African in San Francisco; Thank you Mukulu Maya Angelou!

Yesterday, I shared some points with you. It is that time of the year when San Francisco-SF- has just walked into the Summer. Hot and not so hot! Wait a minute, these are some of the descriptors that have very tangential meanings if they are used in different ways.

I walked into the San Francisco Public Library. There is the "Chimurenga Exhibition," something about creating an understanding of Art from the African continent. Now, there is a really ginormous project if you asked me. Anyway, there is this exhibition going on up to June. Africa has had so much influence on the art of other ancient civilizations. One, because it is the Mother continent from which all human race spread to fill the earth. There are other reasons. But, one that comes to mind is the central point that Africa finds itself. All civilizations and tribal communes have had roots or been influenced by Africa at one time. Africa is so vast it has the gene pool for all people in the world. In Africa, one meets black, gray, red, pink, brown, white and mention it. That is Africa for you. Right from the Sahel through the Equator to a point of the Drakensburg.  All that is Africa for you.

On this second day of this edition,I want to reflect briefly on death.  Maya Angelou (RIP) has passed on. I read Maya Angelou's quotes and used to follow her facebook page. I felt so good just reading or listening to her talk. Sensible and insightful. Interesting and provoking too. When I got a children's story book she helped author I was overcome with joy. She had borrowed from a treasure trove of African folklore. This particular book had stories from Zimbabwe, Botswana and other Southern Africa countries. The Hansel and Gretel stories or Alice in wonderland with the African version. I come from a culture with many such stories and legends and tragedies. Perhaps, one day these will be written and illustrated to match if not to beat the perceptible lack of contribution from Africa in this form of media. Maya Angelou lit a fire I thought I did not have. Reading about the "American Negro." I never thought I would ever be bold enough to say "Negro." Maya Angelou enabled me love myself and therefore be true to myself! I thank her for that. When I read twice "I know why the caged bird sings," I found myself confused! I shall have to re-read it to wrap my brains about the book, its setting, the persons and their experiences ........and what makes America the greatest nation.

 Death does rob us of so many luminaries and other people as well. Death brings us nearer to a second or third life, death robs us,  death is a vehicle for it takes us, grabs us, dispatches us, sends us many ways to label death. Death walks side by side with happiness. Both overtake each other like two friendly but mischievous teenagers. Each out-competing each other but also not wanting to win nor lose at the same time. Lest, they miss each other through sulking.

Happiness and the pursuance there of! I look up and down SF streets, hotels, curbs, eating places, saunas, public bathrooms, parking lots, shopping malls, worship places, people riding all forms of conveyances (including roller skates, scooters..).

The people are a happy lot.



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