
Showing posts from October, 2020

Jesus on a park bench put me in my place

  Jesus on a park bench put me in my place It was a sunny day, On a Friday, I was off for the entire weekend, This being my first off, After clocking the necessary hours, I cleaned my house, made sure I was dressed right, casual weekend wear, the right Nike Sneakers that were vogue, My picnic backpack was filled up with all stuff for a picnicker, I got on the 54 and not the 203, the 54 plied the routes which would get me to the park, I wanted this break, I deserved this break, I was looking forward to this break, my kind of work, I am in charge of all laundry at the Special Nursing Facility, Occasionally, I am asked the part of the community entertainment team, I also do other errands, such as managing the front office at night, I looked forward to this break, a paid break, I felt blessed that, I could work, I felt so happy that through nursing care related services, I could give back to the USA, I earned my stay here, I am confident and happy. I got to the park, I looked for a spo...

Refugee's Psalm

I am a refugee I fled and came to you empty handed, though with grey-matter intact, I came because I abandoned, I gave up another life, And here I came to renew it, I am the one whom, you sometimes meet, in parades with or without, masks behind which my survival is defined, on the cobbled sidewalk of your city, I cover myself behind spread wares, sometimes you pay me, other times, citing those sore-eye excuses, you call, the tax-collectors, or the police, soon I disappear, the next day, I return, with different wares, I am a refugee, I do not decide how you treat me, perhaps I am the one, who is supposed to make history, justified that I am part of the outsiders, content that my status is weaponized, it becomes the arsenal for xenophobes, No!  I do not take your jobs, Dear me! I only labour to feed, a hunger that bites, bone, reason and direction, not your kind of hunger, I guess, I am a refugee, and by that alone, I fired the first shot, into a score of, belligerent ideologies, wh...