Sense and Sensibility in This Beautiful America
When in America, yes that beautiful, graceful rich America, proffer your salutation, sometimes once, or twice, be prepared for any rebuttal, or non acknowledgment, fortunately everyone is in a hurry, in this country, one realises, the two, or three track self, the binary is a baseline, short, tall, hot, cold, inferior, superior, noise, music, a presence, of two-someness, an apparent dimorphism, then you get used to it, and your narrow world is in dispute, you seek to tame it, by bowing your head, or opening your mouth, in protestation, or comparison, or simply tell a story, in telling you learn more, some see advice, others tips or, authority, many have default remarks, you acquire a hybrid nature, a crosswalk is also a zebra crossing, wheel is also a steering, a ride is also a lift, a napkin is also a serviette, heavy-set can mean big, one country, many tongues, multitudinous faces, meshing herita...