A Negro Walks In
There was this time, way back in time, a Negro walks in, and mesmerizes all gathered, at first he never told us, but later revealed, a Negress was following behind, both reached the podium, and together hummed, sometimes a tenor, at other times a baritone rung out piercingly, for 2 hours straight, Negress and Negro held us in awe! I remembered another place, in another continent, a half-caste sung one of the songs, she told us her mother, had taught her this song, it was a song sung by collective voices, its tune was improvised accordingly, when the collectives had their backs bent, or when they had a dirge procession, sometimes it was sung to celebrate child-birth, when this song crossed over to that other continent, it was a celebratory song, in it sugarcane plantations were miles and miles, this half-caste , mulatto and mixed sung it so well, now that I am here, listening to the Negress and Negro, singing a version ...