Men and Women of Color

You, of, the, blue apparel, the, fountain, of order, and, organization, in, whom, pristine, just, begins, to, define, you, in, whom, our, fondness, gravitates, we, aspire to love, you, because, you, matter, in, our, lives, you, of, the, black, skin, human, lovely, agreeable, and, the, connection, to, our, ancient, ancestors, in, you, lies, the, genome, and, prototypicality, without, which, the, spread, of, humanity, would, have, been, impossible, if, like, one, oral, tradition, so, puts, it, that, their, Adam, slept, and, from, his, ribs, Eve, was, formed, I, say, to you, black, man, black, woman, you, are, Adam's, ancestors, but, why, do, you, get, to, be, less, sung, and, the, blue's, baton, finds, home, on, your, ebony, skin, or, your, bla...